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Ribston Hall High School

Ribston HallHigh School

This is a collection of downloadable self-help guides that we really like and hope may be useful to you. They have been collated by the Child & Adolescent Mental Health team (CAMKS). DOWNLOADS | CAMHS Resources (

Some are aimed at adults but the ideas and suggestions in them can still be relevant for young people and parents. If you click on the image, it will automatically download the PDF from its source and the credit will link to the originators main website. 


Young Minds Matter - YMM Chat


Gloucestershire Care Services - Chat Health

ChatHealth is a texting service offered by the School Nursing team.  This is a confidential way that 11-19yr olds can have a text conversation with one of the school nurses about any health issue, worry or concern they may have.

More information is available on the School Nursing Webpage which can be accessed by clicking the link below