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Ribston Hall High School

Ribston HallHigh School


Absence & Requesting Time Off

If you son or daughter is unwell, please telephone the school on:

Main School Office 01452 382249 or via Arbor our school communications App on the first day of absence and every subsequent day after that. Please provide a note with a reason for absence when they return to school. Please note students are not to ring in for themselves; we need confirmation from a parent or caregiver.

A request for absence during the school day can be made by completing and returning this form along with the appropriate evidence for the occasion being provided to the Head of Sixth Form- Request for absence during the school day

If your son or daughter is unwell during the school day and needs to go home, we will always telephone you first to inform you and ask you to collect them. If we are unable to contact you, we will use the emergency contact details you provide us with. If any of your contact details change at any time during your son or daughter’s time at Ribston Hall, please let us know as soon as possible.

Whilst we ask parents not to book holidays during term-time, we appreciate students may need to be out of school for other reasons. If you need to take your son or daughter out of school at any time, please put this in writing to the Head of Sixth Form, detailing your request.

If your son or daughter is attending a university open day or preparation for university activities, they need to collect a yellow form from the Sixth Form office in advance.