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Ribston Hall High School

Ribston HallHigh School

Art & Design - Food Preparation and Nutrition


Key Stage 3 


At KS3, Food Preparation & Nutrition work on a carousel system with Art and Design. This means that every student gets to experience working with a range of materials/process. This carousel system includes Food Preparation & Nutrition, Fine Art, Textiles and 3D. Each year students will develop skills in the following areas of the design cycle; research, analysis, design, development, practical, testing and evaluation. KS3 aims to develop creative individuals and give them an excellent foundation for the GCSE course.


Food is fundamental to our students’ health and wellbeing. We are passionate about teaching our students the importance of nutrition and developing their ability to be able to apply this knowledge through practical lessons. Being able to prepare and cook dishes from scratch is a life skill, enabling them to live successful, independent lives after their secondary education. We aim to stretch and develop skills at an early stage, to inspire and engage students with a variety of ingredients, techniques and processes. Please see the Curriculum Maps for more detail of the knowledge and skills developed over the KS3 Curriculum.

Key Stage 4 

Exam board

AQA Food Preparation & Nutrition


GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition is an exciting and creative course which focuses on practical cooking skills to ensure students develop a thorough  understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials. At its heart, this qualification focuses on nurturing students' practical cookery skills to give them a strong understanding of nutrition.


Food Preparation and Nutrition ensures that students have the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating. Students must be able to make the connections between theory and practice to apply their understanding of food and nutrition to practical preparation. 

Students develop knowledge and skills within the following topic areas:

1. Food, nutrition and health

2. Food science

3. Food safety

4. Food choice

5. Food provenance.

Please see the Curriculum Maps for more detail of the knowledge and skills developed over the KS4 Curriculum.

Key Stage 5 

Exam board

WJEC Level 3 Food Science & Nutrition


The Level 3 Food Science and Nutrition qualification has been designed primarily to support learners progressing to university. An understanding of food science and nutrition is relevant to many industries and job roles.


This qualification will enable you to demonstrate an understanding of the science of food safety, nutrition and nutritional needs in a wide range of contexts, and through on–going practical sessions, to gain practical skills to produce quality food items to meet the needs of individuals. It has been designed to offer exciting, interesting experiences through applied learning.

Please see the Curriculum Maps for more detail of the knowledge and skills developed over the KS5 Curriculum.

Extra-curricular opportunities 

Industry talks and visits including restaurants, fishmongers, local producers and careers talks are organised throughout the year.