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Ribston Hall High School

Ribston HallHigh School

Page 12

  • 11/09/17

    Ribston Roar: 11th September 2017

    September Dates Thursday 14th September Year 7 Information Evening for Parents 6pm; Year 12 Information Evening for Parents, 6pm Saturday 16th September Entrance Test for September 2018 Wednesday 20th September Oxford Universi...
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  • 05/09/17

    Press Release: Head announces retirement after 20 years

    Mrs Amanda Chong, Head of Ribston Hall High School has announced her plans to retire in April next year after 35 years at Ribston, 20 of those as Headteacher. Mrs Chong said this is one of the hardest decisions she has had to make in her time at the school, in her letter to parents and students she...
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  • 17/08/17

    Fantastic A Level Results

    We are delighted with an excellent set of A Level Results this year.  Please see the write up on the Citizen Website published yesterday: Here are some of the headlines:   20...
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