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Ribston Hall High School

Ribston HallHigh School

Lip Sync Showdown: Ribston Rocks the Hall!

As the end of term fast approaches, students have been busy making sure we head for the holidays having lots of fun. Ribston Hall was buzzing with excitement last week as students gathered for the House Lip Sync Battle.

This lively event saw five fantastic acts compete on stage, showcasing the incredible talent and house spirit of all our students and staff.

Amazing Acts Across All Years

From the energetic Year 7s to the confident Year 12s, students of all ages participated, demonstrating that house spirit thrives in every corner of Ribston. Each act brought its unique flair, from the powerful "Believer" performance by Year 7s Ezri and Amelia to the cool "Ice Ice Baby" rendition by Year 12s Bella and Liana.

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Students Take the Lead

The Lip Sync Battle was student-led, organised by Olivia and Harroop, with House Captains introducing each act and Betsy Knibbs, Head Student Responsible for Student Voice, hosting the event. Betsy’s infectious energy helped hype up the lunchtime crowd and the hall was buzzing!

"It was a really great opportunity to get the whole school involved with something. To see everyone so enthusiastic and encouraging was really great and I think this could be the start of more things like this at Ribston!!"
Betsy Head Student Responsible for Student Voice

A Celebration of House Spirit

The event was a testament to the supportive environment at Ribston, where students are encouraged to express themselves and lead events with confidence. Mrs. Hay’s enthusiastic support has “Taken our House spirit to new levels” to use the words of sixth form student leadership team. Ribston is fostering a community of team players with initiative and confidence where student ideas are celebrated and brought to life.

Join the Fun!

With sports day on Wednesday, house lip-sync on Thursday and a 6th form vs teachers rounders competition on Friday, the end-of-year activities are in full swing. If you have any ideas for future events, see Mrs Hay or talk to the head student team and house captains. Ribston is always ready to support and celebrate your creativity!

The Lip Sync Battle was a roaring success, filled with fun, laughter, and a lot of school pride. Let’s keep this spirit alive and continue to make Ribston a place where every student’s voice is heard!