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Ribston Hall High School

Ribston HallHigh School

11+ Familiarisation Materials

Free 11+ Familiarisation and KS2 Support

The Grammar Schools of Gloucestershire are committed to widening access through an extensive programme of outreach and support.

For the 11+ test, there are several providers offering familiarisation materials; accessing resources of this kind is a good way to familiarise children with the style of questions they may be asked in the 11+ and help build confidence ahead of their test.

We work with Atom Learning, an online 11+ preparation and Key Stage 2 learning platform, to provide children who are eligible for Pupil Premium with free familiarisation materials, including learning resources and practice questions covering English, Maths, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning, along with mock tests.

If your child has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, please fill in the request form by clicking the button below; you will be given free access to Atom Home when your child’s Pupil Premium status has been verified by their primary school.

Access Free 11+ Familiarisation Materials