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Ribston Hall High School

Ribston HallHigh School


    September 2024 Admissions

    The transfer to Secondary School  is a major milestone in your child's life. It can be a daunting experience, and we hope this information will help introduce you to the school.

    We aim to create an effective partnership between parents/carers, students and school as this can contribute significantly to your daughter’s progress.

    We hope to receive the support of parents/carers, thus enabling us to maintain the traditions of the school and introduce new initiatives where appropriate.

    Curriculum and Expectations 


    As a selective school, academic standards are of paramount importance, and to have achieved a place at Ribston Hall is only a small step on the road to academic excellence.

    Courtesy, consideration and an outward-looking friendliness have long been considered hallmarks of Ribston, and we hope your child will wish to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors by enjoying themselves and doing their best.


    Your child will move around the school to different rooms, and they will have lessons with about a dozen different teachers. They will have a timetable to follow and will need to take the right books and equipment to the appropriate lesson. Clearly, adjusting to the new pattern will require a lot of organisation on your child’s part. We have a two-week timetable, and it may be that your child has different lessons in Week A and Week B.

    Year 7 - 9 study the following subjects:


    Art & Design:
    Fine Art, Graphics & Textiles



    Computer Science




    Physical Education



    Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE)


    Religious Studies





    Food Preparation & Nutrition



    Independent Study

    Some students will have gained experience of the organisation and self-discipline required in doing independent study regularly, but for others it will be a new venture. A total of between one hour and one and a half hours will be set each evening. This will increase as your daughter moves through school.

    All independent study is set through an online platform called Satchel One
    (also known as “Show My Homework”). This website and smartphone ‘app’ can be used by students and parents/carers and access will be given to you when your child starts at Ribston.

    Progress Reports

    Parents/carers will receive 4 progress reports during the year. There will be parent/carer Information Evenings as appropriate for the year group. Our school newsletter, Ribston Roar is shared with parents at the end of each term and showcases and celebrates activities that students and staff take part in. It is also a place for praise of student achievements and demonstrates the rich and varied interests of our student body.

    School Uniform, Lockers and School Day Overview 

    School Uniform

    School uniform must be worn when attending school and school functions unless students are informed otherwise.

    Please see our full school uniform list here.

    Our school uniform supplier is Monk House. Please see their website here:
    Ribston Hall High & 6th Form -  Monkhouse Website 

    As part of our Pupil Premium offer we can help towards the cost of school uniform for those students in Year 7 and Year 10 for whom we are in receipt of Pupil Premium. We will provide a voucher to cover the cost of a blazer, a twin pack of blouses and either, a pair of trousers or a skirt. Please contact our Finance Department for further information:

    Timing of the School Day

    Registration and Assembly


    Period 1

    9.00am – 10.00am

    Period 2

    10.05am – 11.05am


    11.05am – 11.25am

    Period 3

    11.25am - 12.25pm

    Period 4

    12.30pm – 1.30pm


    1.30pm – 2.25pm

    Period 5

    2.25pm – 3.25pm

    Locker Allocation

    All students will be allocated a locker, either inside or just outside their tutor room. A padlock for your child’s locker can be purchased from school at a cost of £3.90. This will be available from Arbor. Arbor information will be sent to you before the school term commences.

    Attendance and Holidays


    We expect high levels of attendance from all our students, but we do not advise parents/carers to send their child to school when they are unwell. We monitor attendance closely, supported by our Attendance Policy. Parents/carers should telephone the school every day their child is absent, or send a message via Arbor, which is monitored by our Attendance Officer, who will record the absence. Government requirements on record-keeping require us to be meticulous about distinguishing between authorised and unauthorised absences. A child’s absence can only be authorised by the school, not by a parent/carer. Students must ensure they complete any missed work due to absence.

    Illness at School

    If your child becomes unwell during the school day they should report to the Well-Being hub, where a trained member of staff will assess your child and make appropriate arrangements. Students are not permitted to telephone or text their parents/carers in these circumstances, they must go to Well-Being.


    School authorisation cannot be given for the following reasons:

    • Availability of cheap holidays
    • Availability of desired accommodation
    • Poor weather experienced in school holiday periods; and
    • Overlap with the beginning or end of term

    The school will not authorise absence for holidays in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances, and she will take into consideration:

    • Overall attendance of the student
    • Duration of the holiday
    • Impact on the student’s education
    • Family circumstances.

    Holiday requests are strongly discouraged and rarely granted.

    Terms and School Holidays 2024-2025 

    Contact with Staff

    Contact with Staff

    The first point of contact if you have any concerns is your child's Form Tutor or for Year 7 student with Mrs Pitman, who is Head of Year 7. Should your child require time off during the school year, please complete an Absence Request Form. Please correspond with the Headteacher on matters of school policy or organisation. If, in exceptional circumstances, you come into school unexpectedly, please report to Reception.

    Mr A Waters, Headteacher

    Mrs K Pitman, Head of Year 7

    Mrs D Murphy, PA Headteacher
    and Admissions Officer

    Hayley Shurmer, Head of Year Admin Assistant and Pastoral Support Officer

    Mrs R Critchley, Attendance Officer

    School Telephone Number

    01452 382249

    School Email
    (General/to notify medical appts etc)

    School Instagram and Facebook


    School - Home Correspondence

    At Ribston we use a parent/carer communication ‘app’, Arbor, which allows you to access school news, attendance and timetable information for your child. This app is free to download and allows you to send messages (including absence notifications) to school. All communication with parents/carers is sent via email. Please ensure we hold a valid email address and update us if this changes. You will receive our communication system details prior to September.


    Recommended Equipment

    Your child will require the following equipment:

    • Writing equipment - a pen, pencils, a selection of coloured pencils, rubber, pencil sharpener, ruler - all contained in a named pencil case.
    • A calculator - preferably a CASIO Scientific calculator.
    • A good standard English Dictionary that can easily be carried around for quick reference. We recommend the Collins Gem English Dictionary published by Harper Collins Publishers.
    • A pair of in-ear headphones for use with school computers in computing lessons.
    • Rough book for making notes.
    • Students must have a reading book with them at all times.
    Care of Books

    Your daughter will receive a number of textbooks which are lent to her, usually for the duration of the school year. These books should be cared for so that they are returned in the same condition as when they were issued. Parents/carers may be charged for lost or damaged books. In choosing a bag in which students will carry their books, parents/carers should have regard to the safety of other students in narrow corridors, and their daughter’s health, as well as its suitability in helping to preserve the books. All Year 7 students have a locker where textbooks may be kept so that not all books need to be carried around school.

    Your child will have the opportunity to borrow library books but these must be returned by the designated date or fines will be charged.

    Care of Property

    Your child’s uniform and other property should be clearly marked with their name. Students are responsible for their own property and considerable care must be exercised. Only small sums of money should be brought to school, and none must be left in coat pockets, or elsewhere, away from the owner. If, in exceptional circumstances, larger sums have to be brought to school, they should be handed in to the Office for safe keeping.

    School Meals and Cashless Catering 

    Cashless Catering

    All students will be given a blue fob when they join Ribston Hall – this can be used in the canteen and also for the various printers around the school. Parents/Carers are able to add funds to the fob, using Arbor. Arbor details will be issued as soon as students join the school.

    School Meals

    Students may purchase food from the school canteen before school – a breakfast service, at break or at lunchtime – when a variety of hot and cold food is available. The food offer is:

    • Compliant with the government’s food-based standards, and proposed nutrient-based standards.
    • Made with only the best raw ingredients.
    • 95% prepared from scratch in our kitchen.
    • Designed to reflect the needs of a wide-ranging customer base, satisfying cultural, religious and dietary requirements.
    Free School Meals

    Students currently entitled to free school meals can purchase food at breakfast, breaktime or lunchtime, depending on their preference. The current allowance is £3 per day, so if it is spent at breakfast or breaktime, it will not be available at lunchtime unless their Arbor account is topped up with more funds.

    All breakfast items are available before school. Please note the food choices will be greater at lunchtime. For a full list of food combinations, please see the canteen menu and options on our website.


    Bus Services

    A number of buses are provided for Ribston Hall students; however, they are not arranged through Ribston Hall and are shared with other schools. A full list of school transport can be found on our website under the ‘Join Us’ section or please click here.


    Cyclists are reminded that they should not cycle on pavements and may not cycle on the school site. The bicycle racks are situated by Tech 4.

    Parents/carers are asked to encourage their child to behave responsibly en route to school, whether on foot or on public transport.

    Students may only access the school through the Reception area if they have been granted permission by their Head of Year. Parents/carers may not drive onto the school site (unless collecting for an appointment during the day).

    School Events and Trips and Visits  

    Music Lessons

    We have a number of peripatetic teachers who visit Ribston Hall to deliver regular music lessons across a range of instructions. If you wish your child to begin lessons, please have a look at 'Parent Information' on our website to view what is on offer and how to contact the peripatetic teachers. Although peripatetic teachers use the school facilities, any arrangements and communication should be made directly between the peripatetic teachers and parents, not through the school.

    School Events

    During the school year there are a number of school events that take place outside the normal school day, including Celebration Evenings, Open Evenings, and The Cathedral Service. Students are expected to attend.

    Trips and Visits

    During the year, the staff at Ribston Hall arrange a number of trips and visits. We seek your support in ensuring that your child makes the most of all the opportunities we offer. Where costs are incurred, such as coach fares and admission charges, parents/carers are asked to make a voluntary contribution in line with Department for Education guidelines. Parents/carers are invited to contact their child's Form Tutor or Head of Year if their financial circumstances make it impossible to contribute in this way.

    There will be lots of opportunities for trips and visits throughout your daughter’s career at Ribston Hall, including ski trips and sports tours.

    Inspire Residential 

    INSPIRE Residential: Year 7 Outdoor Activities Trip to Croft Farm: 25th - 27th September 2024

    We are delighted to be able to offer Year 7 students the opportunity to attend a 2-night residential trip to Croft Farm, Tewkesbury. Students will take part in two days of water sports (sailing, katakanuing, paddleboarding, raft building, kayaking, windsurfing) and one day of land activities (pedal boats, archery, inflatables, team building, pedal karts). The evening activities will consist of orienteering and a disco.

    Experienced instructors will ensure the activities are safe for students and the Year 7 Tutor team will support your child every step of the way. Students will sleep in dorms of up to 4 people, eat as a Year group in the communal dining room and have access to private toilets and shower cubicles.

    The trip is designed to encourage students to step out of their comfort zone, build resilience and grow in confidence. It will allow students to develop their social skills, helping them to forge stronger friendships and ease the transition to secondary school.

    We depart from school at 9am on Wednesday 25th September and return by 3pm on Friday 27th September. The trip will cost £185 payable via Arbor (logins will be provided), where consent for the trip needs to be given. The three instalments are as follows:

    01/07/2024 - £65

    01/08/2024 - £60

    01/09/2024 - £60

    The trip cost covers all activities, accommodation, food, travel and insurance. Your child may want to bring pocket money for the tuck shop which will be open during the Disco. We suggest bringing no more than £5.

    We recommend that valuables are left at home as we cannot take responsibility for loss or damage to valuable items. Mobile phones will be stored at school for the duration of the trip to encourage students to interact with each other whilst away from home. An emergency contact will be provided should you need to contact your child urgently.

    Please note that if a student withdraws from the visit, it will not be possible to return any sums paid once we have made payments to external providers. This trip is organised directly with Croft Farm, and we are bound by their terms and conditions.

    We encourage all children to attend this trip to help ease the transition from Primary to Secondary School. To secure a place, please complete the online form here and pay the first instalment on 1st July. Arbor log in details will be provided to enable you to pay the instalments. A kit list will be provided nearer the time.

    The Home School Agreement and
    Code of Conduct 

    Code of Conduct

    All students are encouraged to behave in a responsible and self-disciplined manner and to display sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others.

    Mobile Phone Policy

    Students are allowed to bring mobile devices to school, but once inside the school gates they must be switched off. Students should not contact parents during the school day other than if absolutely necessary and this should be done through the Wellbeing Hub under the supervision of a member of the pastoral team. If students are caught using their mobile phone without permission, sanctions will apply. Please refer to the Mobile Phone Policy for detailed information on permissions.

    For a full list of school policies please click here.

    The Home School Agreement

    Students of Ribston Hall High School agree to:

    • Always behave in a way that will not endanger others both within and outside the school.
    • Understand and adhere to the school Behaviour Policy, Anti-Bullying Policy and Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy and Procedures. All policies can be found on our website.
    • Be punctual and have full attendance during school hours, including all timetabled lessons, and registration.
    • Honour all work and study commitments and meet all deadlines.
    • Complete all independent study tasks and make full use of the information on Satchel:One.
    • Adhere to the procedures set out by their form tutor.
    • Adhere to the Ribston Hall High School uniform regulations.
    • Have the right equipment and resources for school.
    • Take responsibility for all personal possessions and resources provided by Ribston Hall High School.
    • Discuss with parents/carers progress and future plans.
    • Contribute to the Ribston Hall High School community to maintain a pleasant and safe student environment.
    • Agree to respect other people’s property, personal space and opinions during lessons and social situations in a calm and sensible manner.
    • Always aim to understand and respect the cultural heritage of other students.

    Parent/carer(s) of a student at Ribston Hall High School will:

    • Ensure that students will have the best possible attendance at school, making non-essential medical and dental appointments outside of school hours.
    • Where an absence occurs, inform the school on each day of an absence.
    • Ensure that students catch up with work missed due to absence.
    • Support and encourage students to achieve their potential, discuss progress and preparation for the future.
    • Avoid taking a family holiday during term time.
    • Request holiday permission for a planned absence from the Head of Year at least two weeks in advance if this has to occur during term time.
    • Not to drive onto the school site between the hours of 7.30 am and 9.00 am, 3.30pm and 4.00pm.

    Ribston Hall High School will:

    • Provide students with the opportunities to participate fully in academic and extracurricular activities, encouraging students to achieve their best.
    • Review and report on progress and invite parents/carers to an annual Parents’ Evening.
    • Support students, through the pastoral system, to look after their safety and wellbeing.
    • Facilitate student progression from Year 7 to Year 13 in preparation for Higher Education/employment.
    • After initial discussion/warning with students contact and inform parents/carers when individuals are causing concern.
    • Provide opportunities for parents/carers to be involved in the life of Ribston Hall High School.

    The trustees and staff would like parents/carers to know that we take issues of security and personal safety very seriously.

    Visitors on site: we would like to ask for your co-operation in this:

    • All visitors must report to Reception during school hours.
    • All visitors will be required to wear a badge.
    • After hours visitors will not be permitted to enter the school buildings without being met by a member of staff.
    • Present identification to Reception.

    Please note – parents/carers are regarded as visitors, and so we ask that you do not attempt to gain access after hours unless you are expected. Doors will be locked promptly at 4 pm.

    We trust that you will understand the necessity of this procedure and will cooperate to ensure the safety of all students in our school.