The Wellbeing Department of Ribston Hall High School celebrates a different theme each month. January 29th sees the annual Young Carers Day – a day where we celebrate our wonderful Young Carers. We would love to be able to see our carers and celebrate with them in person, however, due to national lockdown, this is something we are unable to do. Instead, we decided to send our Young Carers a gift, to let them know that that we understand they might be finding the lockdown incredibly hard, that we are thinking of them and their families and that we are here for them.
Gloucestershire Young Carers support young carers by providing direct services in partnership with a raft of other organisations and working with young carers to support professionals and commissioners to improve their response to young carers. You can find out more information by visiting their website; http://www.glosyoungcarers.org.uk/
Children’s Mental Health Week 2021
The beginning of February marks Children’s Mental Health Week 2021. As a team, the Well-Being Department will be engaging with students regarding their mental health.
Mrs Brewster, the School Counsellor, has put something together for our students to think about if they are feeling low. The idea is to use this as a 'small step' that is achievable everyday. It is important to encourage a sense of purpose with each step.
ACE - Achievement, Connection, Enjoyment
A - every day find a sense of Achievement in something. However small or insignificant the task might seem do it with purpose and feel a sense of pride in having accomplished it.
C - every day find a sense of Connection. This might be a connectedness to nature, or to animals or it might be connecting to people. The connectedness might be to poetry or music. Whatever you feel connected to embrace it and allow yourself to feel it even for the briefest moment.
E - everyday allow yourself to feel a sense of Enjoyment. Enjoyment comes in many forms, it might be eating something you really like, baking a cake, going for a walk or watching your favourite TV show without guilt. Celebrate the sense of enjoyment by acknowledging it and leaning into it even for the shortest time.