The FOCUS for our fundraising in 2019/2020
Your support for the RHA and the events we arrange is vital especially in view of continuing Government budget cuts to the school funds. The RHA committee reviews all requests and we hope that our decisions reflect the expectations of the parents. (NB-the best way to influence this is to join our committee!). Our focus continues to be on the following projects:-
The ‘Wellbeing Hub’ is an exciting project to integrate all the pastoral care within the school into a specifically designed, bright, relaxing and safe place for the students to visit. The RHA has already funded £6000 towards the renovations and the ‘hub’ is well on its way (with fabulous student input) to realising its vision.
The library has always been a vital function of Ribston Hall and it is forever changing to meet the demands and needs of the students. There is hope to install a ‘private area’ where students can discuss their career choices.
Re-designation of rooms within the school to create a new ‘study centre’. This gives students from Y7 to Y13 a dedicated area to study where they can focus on revision and projects away from the distractions of school life. RHA support to provide additional equipment has been requested, with your support we hope to be able to contribute to this important space.